OMG. If I hear "could. go. all. the. way." or "whoop!" one more frickin time I think I'm going to vomit.
I too am tired of these spoiled, massively overpaid talking heads having their hissy fits against people who don't make 1/100th of their salaries. Sure, something upset our precious Chris Berman, fragile little snowflake, so he felt the need to go off for a couple minutes on the staff. Someone with brass ones should have told him to STFU & get some control of himself. Azzhat! Phuck 'em!
Can someone honestly tell me why they disrespect lsu like they do? When saban was here we didn't get the respect bama does because of saban being their coach. He wasn't the best when he was here. Why do they constantly say things to bring us down to the public. Instead of focusing on our great running game, high scoring offense, great special teams, wonderful defense or any of the other things that our opponets know all to well that we do , they always find something bad to say to bring us down. Why do teams like uo and ou have nothing but good said about them? Is it our being from the deep south that makes them see us in a bad light? Is it almost as if they are bigoted towards us being from Louisiana ? What is it?
These ckskrs have an agenda and they play to the BIG $$$ markets, man! All at the expense of their integrity ... Only 1 thing to deaux ... give 'em all a big shight samich to eat
Arkansas isn't a big market. Wvu isn't a big market. They were both picked to beat lsu. Both have at least two loses and were both praised as to have better teams that lsu. What gives? Now ga is their new favorite to beat us.
Some of these people are still locked in with the traditional, longer-term elite programs. Others simply don't like the way we live. As a NOLA native, I have come to believe in that theory for quite sometime. Of course, when some of these dudes leave the city with a scorching case of anal herpes (the gift that keeps on giving), I can understand why some of these people say the things that they do.
Anal herpes- that kinda reminds me of Robert smith. I guess that explains some of their love of west coast, PAC-12 teams.
I actually laughed more than anything. Maybe it is just me, but there is a big difference between this rant and the Holz rant that was specifically directed at one person, a young female, and was relentless in making her feel as small as possible.
Notice Holtz didn't go off on anyone but the little intern girl... Had that been me, he'd be getting fitted for more dentures and laid up a bit in the ICU. Can't believe no one stepped in to remove the pole smoker... he must still be pissed at us for the ass raping we gave ND in '06.