Not sure of the full context to that. But, to be that rude is unacceptable. I kind of always tolerated Holtz as a well-meaning fool. Now I see his true colors. He really puts up a facade on air. That almost had a Jekyll and Hyde feel to it. What a pr*ck.
He's a Q-TIP--someone who's in the industry waaaaay, waaaaay long past his prime (just like the QT's in the Congress). He SO needs to be retired. Like Lindsay Lohan, the cure is to stop pointing mikes & cameras at these losers!
Retired or put down? I vote on his immediate euthanation, and protect the college football world from becoming dumber by listening to him. Also, in the video he clearly shows what a grade A cock biter-douche bag he is... I wonder if all those guys, May, Herby, etc, etc. are all the same with a my chit don't I'm stink above everyone else attitudes.
Bob Ryan on The Sports Reporters this morning, when asked if the Packers can go undefeated: "Schedule is important when answering that question. If they had LSU's schedule? I'd say no."
It takes a big man to go off on an intern. She was in tears afterwards. Supreme douche. As for his 'football commentary', he and Robert Smith are legendary LSU haters, which bias's their opinion and makes them look foolish most of the time. After the the Tennessee debacle last year, Robert Smith had the audacity to say that, although we won on the scoreboard, it should be counted as a loss for us. Huh? :huh:
He said in total yards we are ranked 95th but in points we are ranked 15th, said that due to our defense and special teams we get in the end zone. ESPN was giving our rushing attack some love but it still drives me insane that just because we dominate TOP, turnovers and field position and don't have to attempt 6 80 yard drives a game, "LSU has a below average offense" But for those that "watch" this team know how good our offense can be. We are a ground and pound, we make the difference in the second half when we run the ball down your throat against your exhausted defense! Even Bama was hands on hips down right beat up in the 4th into OT and they haven't seen this improved rushing attack with JJ back there for 4 quarters! Our D dominates, always keeps it close, continues to dominate in the 2nd half and by then our offense will finish anybody off in the 2nd half with the ground and pound --- I am here:,-95.535093
He's a dumbass, too. He knew he was on camera and was abusing the TV technicians. The chances of it appearing on You Tube were about 100%. With any luck this is the last year of Holst on TV.
Here's 'the real' Chris Berman. [ame=]Chris Berman Crazy Rant - YouTube[/ame]