No one has ever or ever will be motivated to play the paladins. Not even Gardner Webb. This isn't anyone's fault except furman itself. It's human nature. It always wins out. This is your second tip to winning bets, isl.
I understand where everyone is coming from but keep in mind I started this thread after the terrifically uninspired OLE MISS loss. It's obvious they weren't "fired-up" for that game either. My point is that if you are not motivating yourself to achieve above expectations then sooner or later that will catch up to you because it becomes a slippery slope of bad habits. Honestly I like what I'm hearing about this kid and I think he can be the kind of leader that really inspires those around him in the future. Let's just hope he has the talent and the tools to back it up: @JENNINGSWINNING: High achievers don't like mediocre people and mediocre people don't like high achievers.
You guys all talk about 4.3 million like its just free money, like they just give it to him and that's it, he doesn't have to show up until most Saturday's in the fall. This job gives niggas heart attacks (Fox and Kubiak in the same week) it's stressful as fuck, and it's a ton of work and pressure.
stress is working 3 min wage jobs trying to support 3 kids as a single parent. this is a fucking kids game making make believe money. get out of here with that bullshit.
And how is that working out for you? I mean everything is so easy for you, you got it all figured out, yet I'm not real sure you have kids so, don't tell anyone with em what it's like, and I'm pretty sure you never coached a D1 school with fans that hate you for winning the most games a coach has ever won at said school. So really you know neither about both. So....if its so easy, and a Les is retard, and he has no pressure on him, when can we expect to see you on the sideline coach Tirk?
What does that have to do with my post that real life stress is families struggling to make ends meet and hungry mouths to feed. Diverting the argument won't make what i said incorrect. I never said coaches don t have stress. Every living human has stress as does everyone in their workplace except Google. But you can bet those struggling to survive know the difference.
Obviously, there's a gulf's worth of difference between the struggle to survive and being a college football coach. It's still a stressful job, of course, but it's not life and death. I think fans would do well to remember that, too. It's just a game played by a bunch of (big) kids.