
Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Sourdoughman, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    This is hilarious, has anyone seen this?
    I'll delete if so!

    Here is the lowdown to this conclusion.....

    The Children of Israel [Alabama] had grown mighty powerful [60's and 70's] under the leadership of Joseph [Bear Bryant]. Then Joseph passed away and with him went the mantle of leadership. Then Pharaoh [The NCAA] grew fearful and enslaved [put on probation]the Children of Israel [Alabama]. The people cried out for a deliverer a savior from the terrible situation. Enter Moses [Nick Saban] he grew up in the household of the Pharaoh [NCAA] and had great success [at LSU] then he slew an egyptian [got wanderlust]. He fled egypt [The SEC] and went to the desert [The NFL]. Meanwhile the Children of Israel [Alabama] suffered terrible cruelties at the hands of thier taskmasters [Auburn]. One day while in the desert mountain [The AFC East] God spoke to Moses [Saban] and told him he was on holy ground. Gold told him to go back to egypt [The SEC] and that he would lead his people [Alabama] out of bondage. Moses [Saban] said I cannot do it alone. God answered and said go and meet your brother [Kevin Steele] in egypt [The SEC]. So Moses [Saban] set out for egypt [The SEC] and met up with his brother [Kevin Steele] Together they went before Pharaoh [The NCAA] and said let my people go..... After a series of struggles Pharaoh lets the Children of Israel go. Then he changes his mind and goes after them. The Red Sea opens and swallows the army of Egypt [The Clemson Game]. The Israelites rejoiced and enjoyed miracle after miracle [win after win]. Moses led the Children of Israel [Alabama] right to the door of the promised land [the BCS Championship Game]. They sent in spies [12 football players] 10 of which reported giants [Florida Gators] and only 2 said that they could beat them. Fear crept into thier hearts [in the 4th Quarter] and they turned away from the promised land and were forced to wander the desert for 40 years...

    I guess this class will have to wander a lifetime or rather should wonder for a lifetime what could have happened if they hadn't lost faith in the last 15 minutes.

    "Re: Be Proud Alabama

    Stoney says

    Just call me BITTER...

    It is nearly a week gone by and I still cannot shake the absolute unbelievable bitter feeling. I know the refs blew it by not calling calls until the 4th quarter. I am not making excuses. I am sick over losing in the last 15 minutes. 99.9% of a brownie mixed with .1% fecal matter is still nasty! That is the way I feel right now... I knew they could play better. I led the charge to proclaim their greatness. I feel the staff blew it with stupid playcalling and the 49 yard feild goal fake....WTF?

    Sorry folks I expect much MUCH MORE! That was as bad as a Shula coached team. Actually I take that back Mike Shula did beat Florida. It was worse...pathetically worse."
    I wonder how he feels tonight?:hihi:

    I couldn't resist, one more!

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