And we were thugs cause JJ got in a bar fight. You know bullets had to be involved in a fight in Alabama. This might be a start of the curse from the broken trophy.
"Baker said two 22-year-olds -- Ryan Javaris Hamilton and Quamayne Rakesh Tolbert -- are charged with reckless endangerment for firing handguns in the air. "They say to disperse the crowd," Baker said, adding they weren't involved in the fight." You can bet that they were illegally carrying concealed handguns...there's no way those two had a permit; because the first thing that they teach you in the permit courses is that you only draw weapons if you feel your life is in danger. And if your life is really in danger you shoot to kill.
Heh, things like this will happen. I hope the player will be alright and this will not affect his playing. And lol, I love all the trash talk on Alabama (the state) here. Gotta love it.