They sound presidential now. Since the only apparent qualification for being president now is being a cunt, then, hell I see 2 fresh candidates.
I had an education professor at LSU back in '91 who was as lilly white as any granola-crunching chick that ever walked the face of the earth. She had white guilt before it was even a term. I don't understand self-loathing, much less for reasons that are out of one's control, like their race.
My plebe year (freshman) chem 101 prof was the world’s greatest authority on the bomb calorimeter. He was into research, exclusively. He cancelled all labs and EVERY day he would talk a minute or two and say “That’s it, gents.” He gave us all "Gentleman C’s". All was good till the final, which, against all precedent, was "departmental wide.” We all flunked the final. Not good.