Talk about lack of integrity! This on the back of his incompetence in the replacement of Miles should be more than enough reasonable cause to fire him. LSU admits in court to changing John Chavis' contract after he signed it
I heard that on Hannagriff and Ott's show today. Alleva has to go. This is yet another black eye and brand hit for LSU.
It's almost certainly a violation of LSU's ethics policy which should be just cause to fire him. It seems it would also be a criminal act to alter a signed contract and try to pass it off as original. It will be interesting to see how LSU handles this. It's hard to imagine there won't be serious fallout.
Oh it is a criminal act. You can't alter a contract after its signed without the consent of the signee. But on the other hand, corporations do this shit all the time with customers. So I'm not 100 percent sure.
Not even corporations do that. They don't want to get sued. They just write the terms of service that nobody reads to be as ambiguous as possible
AT&T did it. For example, when I signed up for AT&T DSL, data was like cable. It was unlimited. Then 3 years later I start seeing data charges. Apparently AT&T started capping data at 150 gigs/month. I got no notice of this change, and while I did get my money back on that month, I wouldn't get it back on any other month and I had renewed a contract recently, that said nothing about a cap.
Been at the same job for 25 years and doing just fine thank you. Happen to work for a very large corporation that does yearly mandated ethics training so I know a little about it. You should join a support group to help you deal with your issues, maybe see a professional. You should definitely get back on your meds.