Yeah, because getting one building "football ready" is equivalent to getting the entire city back to pre-katrina days. I'm sure if they forgot about the superdome everything would be perfect here. I'm telling ya, some people just like the sound of their voices.
The fact of the matter is that the Superdome is one of the main moneymakers for the city. Getting it up and running so it can create revenue for the city was most important.
I'm glad the Saints won, as i'm a huge Saints fan, I just didn't think there was any real shot that we were gonna beat the Falcons. I merely thought our defense wasn't gonna be able to shut down the running game.
Well, with the vast array of conspiracy theories going around that the NFL paid the Falcons to lose that game, such a vewpoint doesn't surprise me at this point. Let's be honest, do people actually believe that an entire football team and staff would remain quiet about being paid to lose a game and destroy the integrity of the game of football? That's just ridiculous.
Thats proably the same people that are waiting for the government to put the spoon back in their mouth too. Plain and simple WITHOUT the Tourist, there are no JOBS, Without Jobs no way for people to make ends meat. This is simple to SMART people with any understanding of econmics. You heard what Harry Jr said last night during the game, "We have 30 houses already built in the 9th Ward, and 2 families living on that street" Where in the hell is the other 28. They have been PLUGGED into the government system in whatever city they landed in, just like they were in New Orleans. Way Off topic, sorry. Superbowl Win for the Saints and a National Championship for LSU, and The Nation will no LONGER BE ABLE TO IGNORE LOUISIANA!