Have to admit the whole event put a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye. It was time for some good news out of the city. Interestingly enough, all I'm hearing on local radio this morning is how the Dome repair money should have been spent on rebuilding neighborhoods, that the Saints won't remain in New Orleans 4-5 years from now, and that residents of other states who are paying for housing, food, education, and medical care for displaced New Orleanians should be outraged that so much money was spent to make way for football instead of taking care of the people. I guess everybody can't be happy today.
Some people just like to bi@#. Sure they could have spent the 180+ million to build everybody a brand new house but then what would they do when the same people start complaining becasue there aren't enough jobs or the city doesn't have a steady flow of revenues. If you don't have a foundation you can't build a house. The same goes with rebuilding this city. IMO
This is a HUGE MISCONCPTION that needs to be corrected. The money that was spent on the Dome was money from INSURANCE that the Dome has purchased. Thats what that money was for, they purchased the coverage they get the money. They cant take that money from their policy and give it out to everyone, insurance doesnt work that way. The people who want to complain and make a big deal about this are CREATING News and not reporting the truth.
I'm pretty sure they mentioned on WWL yesturday pre-game that some of the money did come from FEMA. I'm guessing this is the money people are talking about. I'm not sure about the exact numbers, but the money for the remodel of the dome came from several sources. In any case you are correct about how people only want to create news just to hear themselves talk.
The FEMA money if I am not mistaken went to the insurance company and to the Dome through them. Its all a bunch of red tape, but the media wants to show it in a light that will get them more people watching.
yeah I think I heard that $150 million was from insurance and another $30 million was from FEMA. The $$ from FEMA was to pay for the damages that were caused to the dome by the people staying there. Before the game I didn't hear anything negative about the city. Walking around it was sort of like a superbowl atmosphere. After on the way out I heard at least two people b!+ching that if they put as much effort into rebuilding the city as they did getting the dome back New Orleans wouldn't be in such bad shape.