"Moderate islam Does Not Exist"

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by spikke, Mar 5, 2010.

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  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    you are like a child that has heard of religion for the first time.

    this is what religion is, they are interpretable, you can be extreme if you want. christians believe that eternal fire and brimstone is the appropriate punishment for some stupid "sins", if you dont ask for forgiveness and take a magical jeebus "into your heart". you are aware of the most basic principles of christianity? its crazy! and you are somehow amazed and obsessed with islam, as if it has a monopoly on evil.

    have you seen that the catholics have been doing? they are seriously obsessed with raping little boys and covering it up. seriously. are you aware of this? why are you so naive? religions are terrible, we all know this. have you been under a rock? why is it that you only notice that islam is crazy?

    go back to college, take a class on comparative religion. it will help you shore up the gaps in your knowledge.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    NO IT DOESN'T. You made that up. I listed six facts that contradicted your statement that there were no muslim allies of the US. That's all.

    You've made up everything else. And you still won't answer my last statement--prove me wrong on those six facts or STFU.

    Stop right now, that's not what I wanted. You are changing the subject again.

    Blah, blah, blah. Any of us can Google up boring history. Who gives a chit? Can you make a point yourself? Earlier you cited a post of mine and called it evidence that I was an islamist multiculturalits etc., etc. I asked you to prove my post wrong and you simply can't do it. All you can do is mock and jeer and cast insults, but nobody is fooled.

    You just don't know what you're talking about. :lol:

    Did you sing the little "nyah, nyah" song? Have you no dignity? Why do you continue to make yourself look like a schoolyard loudmouth who will tolerate no opinion but his own. It's what people do when they don't know squat.

    Have you noticed that you have convinced nobody of nuthin'? :lol:
  3. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    No what doesn’t and what did I make up? I made up what Nonie Darwish has to say about Islam. I wrote her books for her and the article I linked to as well? I made it all up? You are more than just a little delusional; you are in deep denial as well.

    Not only that, but I also made up all the quotes of famous Muslim tafsirs I documented in my previous post as well.

    In any event, I have no idea what six myths you must be talking about. Nevertheless, if you are talking about the garbage below, well here you go:

    So what? They have been also been suckering us to fight their jihads for them for decades too!

    So what? The vast overwhelming amount of jihad in the world today takes place via non-violent means, by stealth, and by deception. You are just demonstrating how little you know and understand about Islam at the same time that you also demonstrate how so incredibly gullible you are as well.

    Yeah, it was negotiated long before the current Islamists who are in the process of hijacking Turkey’s formerly secular Kemalist tradition of democratic governments rose to power, and remember their refusal to grant the US passage right before the US invasion of Iraq? Of course, under Clinton when the US got suckered into fighting the jihad for Muslims in both Bosnia and Kosovo, the Turks miraculously cooperated with us.

    Only a fool could be gullible and naïve enough to believe that any Muslim country could be the true ally of an infidel state.

    First of all, nimrod, there aren’t 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. Look it up! Second, the notion that a tiny minority of extremists is hijacking the Great Religion of Peace is a myth.

    With respect to pursuing what is in their best interests, if you call struggling in the way of Allah per the sunnah (example) of Muhammad to make Islam supreme throughout the world their best interests, then you are correct for once.

    Regarding cooperation, they constantly attempt to manipulate and influence us for their own ends.

    Anybody with at least half a brain knows that Israel didn’t repudiate the USA, as Israel had announced building housing units in its capital of Jerusalem countless times before with zero fanfare whatsoever from the USA, Even Netanyahu had no knowledge beforehand of the impending decision that was announced, as planning decisions and building permits are way below the purview of his authority. Not only that, but had he known beforehand that Obama was planning to make a preemptive mountain out of a molehill he would have had the announcement postponed until after Biden had left.

    Anyway, it has since come to everyone’s attention inside Israel that the Obama administration was tipped off of the impending housing decision announcement by Kadima. Thus, apparently Obama is trying to bring down Netanyahu’s government in favor of replacing it with a radical leftwing Kadima Party government, which would then act as Obama’s puppet in engineering the destruction of Israel. In any event, Obama’s shameful shenanigans with respect to Israel and Obama’s open disrespect of Netanyahu in the White House have backfired because they have galvanized Netanyahu’s support not only inside Israel, but also in the USA as well.

    In addition, Obama is the first US president in the history to reject UNSCR 242, which rejected the notion of forcing Israel to return back to the indefensible Armistice lines of 1949 that were never intended to become permanent boundaries. Indeed, the reason the UN Security Council rejected forcing Israel to return back to those indefensible Armistice lines in 1967 is because it was thought it would just entice and encourage further war.

    Obama is also the first US President to accept the Saudi Peace Plan, which not only calls for Israel to return back to the indefensible 1949 Armistice lines, but also calls for Israel to accept 5 million hostile Muslims into their country. In other words, Obama is the first US president to make the destruction of Israel official US policy.

    Not to mention that Obama is also trying to position Israel to take the fall for when Iran inevitably gets nuclear weapons because not only will Obama not use force to stop Iran, but he will also do everything in his power to stop Israel from using force to stop Iran. In other words, under Obama the US has morphed into becoming the protector of Iran’s nuclear weapons program at the same time it is also actively seeking to destroy our one and only ally in the Middle East. Oh what a glorious world we have come to live in.

    Excuse me…I thought you were claiming the Dar al Islam was our ally and not our enemy. Thus, I demonstrated that anyone who is delusional enough to believe that nonsense is incredibly gullible, at the same time you ignore the testimony of Nonie Darwish and other Muslims apostates spilling the beans with respect to the real nature of Islam.

    First of all, I may have said you were an apologist of Islam, because that point is obvious, and I might have said you were a PC multiculturalist, and that point is unequivocal, but I never said you were an Islamist anything. You are hyperventilating again.

    What post? I don’t have a clue what post you are referring to and I don’t want to give myself more brain damage by reading through your garbage again. If you are referring to those six myths, see my response above? Which, by the way, was the second time I responded to that absurd garbage.

    Speaking of mocking, jeering, casting insults, and not knowing squat, I have so many scars on my body from reading your silly asinine posts that I have finally learned to duck before I begin reading. Please, give me a break!

    That’s because unlike you everybody with at least half a brain already accepts the fact that Islam is not moderate. You are the only one still in denial.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    No, Jethro, what you made up is the notion that I advocate what she does or even care. I've never heard of her. You are making up issues then attributing them to me, so that you can argue with yourself. :insane:

    The rest of your post is just boring and is the usual crap one can read in a book.
  5. MLUTiger

    MLUTiger Secular Humanist

    Aug 9, 2001
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    I have read Nonie Darwish several times. What she describes is more with how Islam is interpreted in the Arab countries and less how Islam is interpreted in Western countries. It's no surprise (to me, at least) that in Western Countries (where individuals rights are respected) there is no issue with how Muslim women are treated. In Arab countries (where individual rights are not respected) the issue of living under Sharia is much more harsh and women are subjected to much abuse. She doesn't really seperate Muslims in Western countries and Muslims in Arab countries. She just lumps everyone together in the article you linked.

    In other words, the issue is not Islam; It's about the countries where Islam is practiced. Christian women are treated the same way in Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. as Muslim women. You will find instruction in the Ole Testament for stoning adulterers, women are not allowed to speak and must be submissive, men may have several wives, punishing homosexuality, etc. just like in the Koran. The difference is that Western Countries have evolved to a civilized society, unlike much of the Arab world.
  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Someone forgot to publish this memo in Iraq. Those effers have more boy love going on there than in san francisco.
  7. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    what, did the goats finally put their little hooves down and say "no"? :hihi:
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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  9. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    Lay off the drugs Red. I never made up anything much less the notion that you advocate what she does or even care. Let me be clear since you obviously have no reading comprehension skills: what I said is when Nonie Darwish speaks out about Islam, she doesn’t speak about AQ, which you claim is a part of the tiny minority of Muslims in the world misunderstanding and hijacking the Great Religion of Peace. Instead, she talks about how every day life is for average Muslims living inside the Dar al Islam. About the constant cradle to grave incitement to hatred and violence against all unbelievers, about the constant vilification and demonization of Israel, Jews, America, Americans, the West, and Westerners, about the systematic persecution and often violent oppression of all non-Muslim dhimmis living in the Dar al Islam, about the genital mutilation, the universal oppression, and the honor killings of women, how women are treated as chattel, about how homosexuals are persecuted, about the insanely barbaric punishments for crimes, etc., etc., etc., and all the other inconvenient facts in which you like to ignore to maintain your delusions.

    Meanwhile, how can you consider a society that encompasses all of the above values and principles to be our friends and allies?
  10. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    You left out the vast overwhelming amount of what she says like the way that Muslims divide the world between the believers and the unbelievers and that they actively work to conquer and subjugate the unbelievers per Islam’s mandate to make Islam supreme throughout the world, plus tons of other stuff as well. Hence, while you may have read a couple of articles written by her, it is a gross over exaggeration to claim that you digested and actually understood what it is she says.

    You better wake up, Europe is rapidly being Islamized in preparation for it becoming part of the Dar al Islam, as several European countries will become majority Muslim before the middle of this century unless something drastic is done in the near term, thanks to demographic conquest, which is a stealth form of non-violent jihad employed by the Dar al Islam, and government funded abortions. How do you think women of all persuasions in Europe will be treated when Islamic Sharia Law becomes imposed on those European societies? Yet, you naively claim that Islam is not the problem. You are obviously more than a little oblivious.

    Uhm…in how many Western countries are adulterers stoned? How about women not being allowed to speak and men having multiple wives? Where men legally beat their wives. Where homosexuals as a matter of routine are beaten and executed?

    I hate to rain on your parade, but the only thing you demonstrated via that silly and asinine moral equivalence was to demonstrate that your moral compass and thus your ability to think and act rationally has been rendered null and void via moral relativism.

    You mean all of the Arab world, almost all of east and northern Africa, and most of south Asia, and all of it because of I dare say Islam.

    By the way, since you are incapable of connecting the dots and figuring it out, Islam is a radical totalitarian ideology that cloaks itself as being a religion as the Trojan horse it uses to infiltrate countries it plans to destroy and replace with Islamic totalitarianism. You know, sort of like the ones in the Arab world.

    Can you please enunciate for us the differences in the way Islam is interpreted in the Arab world as opposed to the Western world? That would be very entertaining to read.

    Speak for yourself. I think it outrageous that Muslim women living in the West still have their genitals mutilated, that they are still forced to cover their bodies, that they are still forced to be subservient to men, that they are still forced to accept multiple marriages, that they are used as baby factories for the purpose of demographic conquest, that they are routinely beaten by their husbands, that they are still subjected to honor killings, that in many cases and often times before they even reach adolescents, they are being sent back to the Dar al Islam to enter into forced marriages with males much older than they are and then subsequently used as a passport in which their husbands use to gain entry into the West, etc., etc., etc., and if you had any sense of dignity you would be to.

    You mean in all 57 Islamic countries where women are treated as chattel, where non-Muslim dhimmis are systematically persecuted and often violently oppressed and killed, and where the most barbaric forms of punishment are enforced and imposed upon the ummah.

    You didn’t read the same article I read and linked. Like I said, it is more than a little obvious that your ability to think and act rationally has been rendered null and void via moral relativism.
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