volleyball? please i personally play beer league co-ed volleyball and i am better than the women who played in college. they are way better fundamentally, but i can jump and run a zillion times faster, and spike it much harder. women run very slow. even women you think are amazing are very slow by male standards. the mens volleyball team at any college would obliterate the womens world chamions. and your other sports are also examples of things that if there were an open division men would be the top few thousand at least. women could only compete in the artistic aspects of those sports. women might win if they had a contest to see who can do my laundry the best. just kidding a chinaman would win that.
Plus the reaction time is the same given the speed/distance of the rubber- of each. Softball 40 feet from rubber to point of plate @ 65 mph vs. baseball @ 90 feet @ 85 mph. I don't recall the actual average speeds used in the study. Jenny Finch has struck out many MLB players. I'd like a chance to strike out with her.
i found an example of a man vs the williams sisters. he beat one of them, then the other, both very easily. he smoked cigarettes during the match. he was 15 years older and an unknown named karsten braasch.
no. maybe she should fight in MMA. i say if she can beat up the guys she shold be allowed. maybe she should race usain bolt. i mean why not, if she can run with him. can she? no? oh.
There was spot about him on the US Open a few years ago. Before playingthem the Williams sisters said they could beat any man ranked 200 or below. After playing them he said they would have no chance against anyone ranked over 500. He said he played the game as if he was playing an old man at the tennis club for fun, and they still couldn't compete.
i most certainly am not. if women competed agasint men in gymnastics and skating they will still lose terribly. men have to do those quad spins and whatever, and they do, with tremendous athleticism. women can barely do the quad at all, most of them never try. all men do them. gymnastics is the same. men flu off the vault with trmendous power and flippity dip in a way that women cant touch. again, if the sport is based on purely artistry, maybe then women can compete. but even in sports where that is the case, like gymnastics and skating, they would be destroyed. women cant even come close on purely mental pursuits like chess. the top womens chess player in the world is an abomination by men's standards. the guy above is also wrong about bowling, men are far far better. this is an example of an issue where public percpetion is wildly swayed by the tendency to want to be nice and politlcally correc. but the fact is that women are just nowhere near men in these skills. ultramarthoning, meaning 100+ mile races, is the sport where women come closes. still way behind though. ultramarathons are run very slow for a very long time. women are pretty good at that and do it not quite as well as men, but elite women are almost in the same ballpark.
Interesting topic,.. often I totally disagree with Martin, he is raw uncensored, he pisses me off, and I admire him. Amazingly, this time I agree with most of his opinion. There are physical things that women are better at, crab picking for example. Generally speaking, women have better dexterity in their fingers, that's a fact; ask anyone who hires crab pickers. I assume women are equally good at games, such as darts, bowling, shooting pool, etc. Women have more style; Figure skaters are tremendous athletes, but essentially they are ballerinas wearing skates. Women divers are amazing, men enjoy watching them compete. They garner tremendous TV ratings. Truthfully, that's not about excellence in sports competition. Bluntly, women skaters and divers, are very entertaining, but they are the Boobies & hinies, threads of sports. Occasionally, a freak woman athlete appears who can make a case for competing with the men. I have no problem with that, it's not my point. This is: Athletic competition; There are women team sports, and men team sports, they are separate for a reason, and it is not to make it fair for the men. Imagine the outcry, if a man insisted upon joining a women's basket-ball team. It couldn't be allowed, if it was, before long, all the players on the women's team, would be men.