i think she really believed she was good enough. but then realized she wasnt but it got her on the espn circuit and is now ready to become the future erin andrews. hopefully with the included reverse kramer peephole.
They can, but not without ESPN running front-page stories for a week about the sexist pig HC of the LSU football team.
im pretty sure no one will be able to eat at chik fil a without repercussion as well. pretty sure the peach bowl is looking for a new sponsor.
Mo is terribly hot and I'd probably let her try out at whatever it is that I do, yunno, just to be fair and junk.
Correct, they don't have to have them, but they do. You can't have them, but deny some the right to try out.
The first tryout was only for kickoffs. Supposedly he told her then that she had a strong enough leg, but he questioned her ability to run downfield and make a tackle. The next tryout is for placekicking, where tackling shouldn't be an issue. She clearly loves the spotlight, but I think she genuinely thinks she's got a shot to make it. She's wrong, but there's really no harm in letting her participate in a one-day tryout with a few other dreamers.
I knew from the beginning that whole Erin Andrews peephole saga was totally staged and executed perfectly! I love how traumatized she was afterward her only choice was to instantly go on Dancing with the Stars and shake her perfect ass all over the place while it's still fresh in everyone's mind, truly the acts of scarred woman. Meanwhile I'm sure her "Stalker/Accomplice" does his couple of years while his swiss bank account in the Caymans gets multiple 6 figure deposits from an address in Bristol CT.....I'm telling ya a more perfectly executed hoax these eyes have never seen. Well played Erin, well played!
Agreed, as a girl if the first spanish word you learned the meaning of is "caliente" life generally goes a little easier for you.....if you are a fat grenede and you run a HR dept and constantly give someone, me for example, a hard time because I'm 4 minutes late submitting my expense report its because you have no friends, no life, and no prospects it's as simple as that....did I just say that?