Thanks, many don't know what this girl has had in her life. She has taken life better than most, a testament of a strong person.
I could see Mo as the next Erin Andrews type after she is done with school if that is something she wanted to do.
Nice girl and I'm all for girl power, but I think this is a bad way she can hang with the guys and Daddy Miles will be put in a bad spot by cutting her. She'd get demolished on a fake field goal and we all know Miles would run it just because she's a girl......the worst thing about this whole thread is how Mett wears his hat sideways in the video, I HATE that! Clean it up kid and act like a professional for once.
There'd be a rush like never before. Everyone would want to get their hands on her. Having a hotty like that on the team may help recruiting.
Two questions: How fast can she run? Would defenders psychologically/subconsciously take a bit off the tackle or hesitate if she were to fake a FG?:huh:
Since she hangs out with Wing she would probably show boat and get the TD called back.:rofl: Geaux Mo!!!!!!