this is why there arent many chick physicists. like martin said, we already like you. just sit there and be quiet. no learning required.
You are desperately reaching here. Let's not compare if a 5'2" 110 lb girl can hang for even 30 seconds with Mike Tyson before getting knocked out to a girl who is already a trained athlete in a sport where the one thing you do is kick a ball can possibly kick a ball farther than some other HS walk-on hoping for a shot at Tiger glory.
Is she wasting your time? Are you in any way going to be inconvenienced? No? Then what the f**k do you care? BTW...if she wastes anyone's time, it will be Thomas McGaughey's. Do you think that dude really has better things to do? I would wager that he would welcome the opportunity to see her kick a football just to break up his day.
^^just when i thought this thread couldnt make me laugh any more. this thread is gold, sabanfan, gold i tell ya.
Our last two kickers are the top two all-time leading scorers in LSU history. Not much of a roller coaster. Seriously? After what you typed in the first quote, you are going to tell someone else they are reaching? What do you think the kickers on our team are? They are already trained athletes who do one thing: kick. A football. And they're stronger. Like I said before, I wish her the best of luck, but it is a sad state of affairs if the best kicker on the team is a female walk-on. My high school had a female kicker because everyone else was abysmal.