so you're in the john kerry form of prognostication. good job. stick with the braves camp, theres plenty of high numbers to look at there. like losses.
dawg, you just said that the team who has tied the record for most games without committing an error wasn't good on defense did you watch the game last night? They made a half-dozen web-gems If you really want a prediction, Yanks win 2 of 3, but they are all close games except tonight who is your team, btw? is it easier to not list one, just so you can cheer for the eventual champion and then say "I Told you So"?
really? I didnt know anything about that errorless streak when i made my post about it. reading is fundamental. you might wanna look into range factors when understanding defense in baseball. who is my team? stick around, most of the regulars here know. its no secret. its not the braves.
Red Sox have the fewest TOTAL errors so far at 23 (Seattle is a distant second with 35) and also have the best FIELDING % w/ .992 (Seattle is second w/ .988)
at least the Stros have started to take off since getting back the Rocket... He should have gone to the Rangers