Blacksburg is pretty small but I know there are a lot of fans in the northern Virginia area within the mega market DC footprint. Or at least I saw a lot of cars with VT bumper stickers on on them when I was up there.
I live in Northern VA about 20 miles outside of DC. Virginia Tech, UVA, and Maryland are the top dogs in the area for college football. Admitting Virginia Tech would give the SEC the DC market. There definitely is a huge Virginia Tech presence in Northern VA.
Which city do you live in. If I lived in Northern VA I would want to live in Great Falls if I had the kind of money it would take to buy a house there.
They could just move Auburn and Alabama to the East and Vandy and Mizzou to the West, that would line it up a little better geographically speaking.
If the SEC ever looks to expand to the east VTech and North Carolina would be the logical choices. We have already discussed how VT would bring in the Nothern VA-D.C. markets and Raleigh-Durham Research Triangle area is pretty populated as well as the Charlotte metro viewers. I don't know if the Tarheels would want to leave the ACC without big time rival Duke.