Perhaps, but push the wrong way and she stills hits table just right and possibly dies from head trauma. There is no right answer. Dude has a short fuse for sure.
What the fuck is wrong with some of you guys? You never ever hit a woman like that EVER! That turd needs to be put in jail could have killed her. He could have done 15 other things than what he did and if there were any real men in that bar they would have pummeled that fucking prick. Anyone agrees with what he did is a cowardly turd too.
You are a fucking coward and a turd if you think any part of what that full grown turd male ahtlete did was in any way justified. That prick is a finely tuned athlete who could take out most men is a fight. He hit her with intent to severely hurt her. If I was her father I would track him down and clock him with a baseball bat.
There is a reason coaches have stiff penalties for their athletes getting in fights. These athletes are stronger and faster than most regular people and most times it's not a fair fight. Have you seen any of these guys in the weight room, they are freakishly strong. A girls face cannot hold up to a punch like that. He was punished so I agree he shouldn't be punished again, but I do question the severity of the punishment with Big Game Bob. He had to know this would eventually surface and dismiss him from the team.
I don't condone putting hands on a woman, unless say a woman has a weapon and is trying to kill you. But I was taught to respect women, and while they can be annoying at times, I think it's smarter to just remove yourself from the situation.
Females need to learn there's consequences when you put your hands on someone. There's no reasonable force retaliation in a heated exchange. You step on a snake you're gonna get bitten. Just bc your mama raised you right doesn't mean it applies to others. His mama said knock you out.
Nah, that's bull, she was a drunken barfly and wasn't gonna hurt him, he was probably drunk too and over-reacted, total overkill, blame it on alcohol, but it's still inexcusable. His mama should be ashamed.