The big crybaby is on ESPN's Sports Reporters slamming Les on the way he supposedly strung UM along and ridiculed him for his pre game statement to the press. I've got three words for you Mitch. GET OVER IT :angryfire I have others, but they aren't appropriate for the forum. :lol:
I saw that too. He's just pissed because the team his employer supports got snubbed on national TV. I didn't have a problem with what Miles' did and I don't think many others do either. If nothing else, it pumped his team up, so f**k Mitch Albom and the Detroit Free Press.
I just saw this and commented on it in the Herbsteit thread. Mitch was complaining about Miles' PC saying he was complaining about the media speculating about a story that Miles had created and thrown himself into. This is completely false. Miles complained about 1 media outlet with a huge Saturday Morning audience (ESPN) and the story they reported about him being the HC of UM. Miles didn't generalize and complain about the general media speculating and reporting that he would interview with UM. He complained ONLY about ESPN reporting a story they shouldn't have reported and reported it at a bad time.
I read a few of the comments posted under his column posted online at Several took exception to his opinion. One said Les was arrogant and angry just like Bo. And in fact Bo would have been proud of the way this was handled by Les and he was in fact "getting a good laugh about it". :geauxtige
Mitch Albom comes off very badly in writing his column. Check out the readers' comments and the only support he gets (and it isn't strong or backed by any evidence) is from some UM homers who are licking their wounds. Everyone else can't figure out where he's coming from unless it is outer space/Lloyd Carr's PR department. I have given up listening to the Sports Reporters on ESPN. No one but East/West Coast with a little Michigan/Chicago. Leaves out all Red State opinion totally.:LSU231: :crystal: :crystal:
I kind of agree with this line of thinking, IF Miles had no intention of going to Michigan. He could have definitively stated he was planning on staying at LSU in that case and saved everyone a headache. If this is the case it looks like Miles played a school near to his heart to get a raise here at LSU. I actually believe he was conflicted and feel like he was probably trying to do the right thing, but I can easily understand that other line of thinking.
I's like to know how exactly that they feel CLM is stringing Michigan along when it was the PRESS that created this controversy? Coach has been clear and honest in this matter especially yesterday when he said that yes, he is a Michigan man since he went to school there but LSU is home. He has a great thing going here and his family is happy in bayou land. I applaud him in his sincerity and honesty to us. I think he is a superb coach and I have supported him since day one, check my post on this matter when he was first being considered for the job here. I hope he is here with us for a very long time. :milesmic:
Everyone needs to lay off Mitch Album. He's suffering from Botox Overdose Injections to the face. :lol: