How is he wrong? The clock was in fact at 00:00. To add salt to the wound we took the kickoff with 2:50 seconds on the clock with 3 timeouts. I have seen MAC teams put 35 on the board combined in 2:50. It took water head 2:51 to get 6
We had no timeouts & the clock read .01 second. I don't watch many mac teams myself, but doubt they are playing teams like Auburn. Penalty would have been a dead ball foul if the clock had read 0.0 signaling game over. But the refs didnt do that. Instead they signalled TD in the endzone. Auburn had 60 minutes & didn't score TD against LSU all day. We were playing @Auburn, nuff said. That's a Win playing at LSU.
Penalty doesn’t matter when the game is over. Clock hit zero. Once that happens, unless they have a DEFENSIVE penalty, by rule the game is over. Wins are by points on the board. Doesn’t matter how they come. 6 field goals beats a TD and 2 FGs.
Clock had one second which expired when the ref signaled the ball ready for play. The point is we had almost three full minutes and three TO's to move the ball down the field and win the game. More than enough time. Didn't get it done.
Arguing that we should have won because we would have gotten home cooking playing in our own stadium might be the worst argument I’ve heard in quite some time. If my aunt had a penis, she’d be my uncle...
What’s with the contingency of “fans” who care more about 1 person than the success of the program? They need to re-evaluate those priorities. It’s what’s best for the TEAM. T.E.A.M. It shouldn’t matter who is coach. Within reason, of course.