most of our military spending is a waste because our wars are frauds. our enemies are just paper tigers, brought by our government and too-eager media to frighten us into feeding the war machine. eisenhower warned us about this years ago, but we didnt listen. look, let me put this in the simplest terms. beyond all the partiotic crap and flag waving mumbo jumbo, consider who really wins these wars. as the spending increases, do you think the taxpayers, the citizens are more protected? just ask yourself! why are we in one war after the next? who stands to gain? these are questions we need to have the guts to ask.
look, if you are not willing to ask yourself the tough questions, then maybe you are just one of the blind. is this what you want for your country? a war machine? did you ask for this? most people just accept the status quo. but some people ask questions. they wonder why, try to determine who is behind the curtain. dont be modest, my truther friend, we know you are on the verge of uncovering some serious stuff.
i'm sure it took alot considering there was no electricity. all that money is not needed for the military industrial complex. and as martin said, the war we are fighting today is a war waged on a word. way too much money being spent on defense.
The war on terror is a war against a word. The word Terror/Terrorism has a catalyst, which are terrorists, thus the war is really against terrorists. But you are correct you can’t win a war waged against a word