this problem is solved by owning a truck with a back seat so small, this is not even remotely considered an option
That's pretty good. I like that one about that dog and those two old people. That one's made for giving kids nightmares... Courage the Cowardly Dog. And Foster's imaginary friends or something is pretty cool. I like that shirt, but I'm not going to allow no watching of Hannah Montana on my tvs. NO! :cry: SHUT IT!
I had a shirt almost identical to that when I was a kid. I know pretty much all of the kids shows. My kids range from 20 to 7.
Glad to see Miley showing the Tigers some love. My 10 year old daughter is growing out of the Miley phase, as she has now discovered boys. The Jonas Brothers are all the rage. Lord have mercy, I'm not ready for this -- I was a teenage boy once! I suppose I should know all the tricks, but it was a long time ago. Lord knows what these kids are up to nowadays! :geauxtige
That's what iPod earphones were invented for--both girls have a set, but I only let them watch DVD's on long road trips. Around town, the girls listen to whatever Mom listens to--and they tend to sing along to everything.
I listen to such a variety of music that my children will be quite versatile. I'm ashamed to admit that I even like some "High School Musical" and Jonas Brothers songs. Did I just say that out loud?