Have you considered NOT responding to him and feeding him trolling? It seems the more you respond to him, the more outrageous he becomes.
Your (hyper) sensitivities are always off. You've lived with too many females far too long. It makes you resent this board especially the vocal few yet you hang around sorta like co2. Let it go or take a goddamned Midol.
nah, just didn't want to argue w/ a kindergartner. Now go back to your pornhub and imagine that I care.
My pornhub? I don't get it. Oh you're lashing out again because youre sensitive. It's ok buddy. Don't run off again. Daddy's here.
Dude I'm busting your ball that's left. I've never defended shane since I've been on this board. This is a first. Thanks for nothing. Why did the old black man wear a suit to his vasectomy. He said if ima be impotent I may as well look impotent.
I left and came back. Do I get bonus points for that or is that reserved for the really smart ones who saw through all of the bullshit and stayed true to good ol tiger fan? Kyle is on point. It's damn discouraging to see the same 5-6 (actually 10-12 if you count the alters) when there used to many more here.
Sometimes a change of pace is nice. But then you miss that pace. Most people that don't post don't post because they're scared of getting run off. My guess is they don't post because they don't have anything to add, with the exception of "yeah, I agree" or "geaux tigers/fire >insert coach here<". I also don't let others dictate what I'm gonna do.