In his post game comments Les Miles said the team wasn't ready to play. How the hell could they not be ready to play their biggest game of the year when they had 2 weeks to prepare? How is it even possible not to come out at a fever pitch?
The dude and his staff are among the highest paid nationally, but take it easy on him. He only got his ass handed to him on a huge national stage. AGAIN.
I kept wondering whether we weren't ready or we just aren't as good. I guess this answers the question.
all this tells me is that if he were to play this team again he'd do the same shit because he thinks the team didn't execute, nothing wrong with the gameplan or preperation and he could still line up in I formation and run over Alabama if the team was ready. Unbelievable.
Whose fault is that the player were not ready? I'm sick of Miles and his sorry ass excuses every damn year when he loses to Bama. The dude lost his magic as a coach, both he and LSU would be better with a change of scenery.
Isn't ready synonymous with prepare? And isn't planning the prerequisite to prepare? So in summary, no plan.