ok. that video. that emotion. that sincerity. and me seeing tiger band at tigerama tonight. well all i can say is: Where stately oaks and broad magnolias shade inspiring halls, There stands our dear old Alma Mater who to us recalls Fond memories that waken in our hearts a tender glow And make us happy for the love that we have learned to know. All praise to thee, our Alma Mater, molder of mankind. May greater glory, love unending, be forever thine. Our worth in life will be thy worth, we pray to keep it true, And may thy spirit live in us... forever, L-S-U. :milesmic::LSU231::geaux::LSU231::milesmic:
Maybe Miles wants to establish a legacy here like Bo established at UM. Maybe Miles wants players forty years from now holding back tears when they talk about what a great and loyal man he was to have as a coach and mentor. Maybe he wants the future LSU AD to hire coaches that were disciples of Miles. Maybe, just maybe.:LSU231:
Good Post, one can only hope! We have been making lots of good posts the last month, we should all congratulate ourselves. The forum has been lively and entertaining, which is the best we can hope for from our little band of cajuns. :milesmic: :LSU231: :geaux: SEC West :champs: :helmet: Awright, I'm off this week and got carried away beyond my usual self. :grin: