Those complaining about Miles should read Trent Johnson's Twitter. I like TJ, but he is yet to use a complete sentence.
Personally I think it's someone in the Athletic Department who pocket tweeted. Several people run that account. Wouldn't be suprised if it came from @LSUPintens as he uses UberTwitter (which is where the tweet came from) and if Miles actually tweets he uses OpenBeak. Just my theory, if proven true, I'm sure it would disappoint all the Miles haters.
Your right I am wrong it was a real tweet man enough to admit I was wrong. Just what miles needed right now. Sheesh
I wasn't concerned with being right I'm with you couldnt happen at worse time, whether he did it or not, he's taking grief for it on twitter... :rolleye33:
False. You could pull up his real page and the fake at the same time and see it was a fake and also the minutes since the last post did not change along with all the other numbers like followers, etc... Also, if it was real it would have actually been sent to cell phones which it wasn't.
I'm not saying it wasn't a hack, but it was in my timeline on my iphone. Do a Twitter search and you will find it has been retweeted all over the place. There is a digital footprint so in one form or another it is real and the damage is done...
Greg Pintens (@LSUPintens) the Asst Athletic Dir of Marketing just tweeted to me that pocket tweets/texts happen all the time....just didnt say who did it. I would take it as confirmation that it did happen