I'm sorry for the harsh criticism, but this is a merely uneducated or absent-minded statement. If we play like we did last night, other teams will be lucky if we lose 4 games. And we should play better than we did last night.
We did not play the #18 tarheels... we played their back ups. We beat no one. We got torched for 400+ yards and we walked out for the sencond half and sat down. The offense scored 21 points and we haven't faced a real qb yet... your comment is delusional and shows you need thicker glasses or clean your tv screen.
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You people act as if nobody's Twitter account has ever been hacked before. Oh wait I forgot you're all out of touch geezers.
:geaux: Didn't that happen to J. Barksdale back in the Spring when he supposedly said he'd wished he hadn't come to LSU? Later came out that his account was hacked didn't it? :LSU231:
I don't know I jumped off a ledge as soon as it happened. Anytime something happens on Twitter it must mean the end of LSU football as we know it right?