I thought this last season for some reason....I must have read it wrong a long time ago. I didn't get straightened out till early this season when UM went 0-2. I realize UM hasn't offered it yet, but I was just mentioning that "if" there was no buyout, UM would move fast I think, "if" they wanted Miles. I really hope Carr doesn't retire and I especially hope that UM doesn't come after Miles.
it is old news and getting old. but islstl is right in that if some people want to discuss it, just discuss it in the other 976 threads on the subject. like one of the other two on the same subject westcoasttiger had started. how many threads on the same subject can one person start?:rolleye33:
Was there really 46 others? :huh: I can't tell when you are being facetious with the numbers! :rolleye33: My head hurts...
That link it to his original contract. It's been redone. I'm fairly certain that bhelm or someone else said the new contract doesn't contain a buyout clause.
Coach Miles has a buyout clause that specifies Michigan? I didn't realize that. Hey did ya'll hear that Hurricane Katrina is headed directly for us? We'd better hunker down. I also just heard that the Japs just bombed Pearl Harbor. What a travesty. Stay tuned for more Breaking News.....:grin:
All i know is can u blame him! In his heart he bleeds Maize and Blue! Any ex-Tiger would love to come coach at LSU! If he goes we can't be mad, he played and coach there! I love Les hope he stays, but cannot blame him if he goes!
I found the thread where we discussed this before. I was originally wrong saying the contract was restructured after last season but he does have a 1.25M buyout for UM and 500K for all other teams. http://www.tigerforums.com/tigers-den/55484-coaches-buyout-clauses-2.html
Here's an excerpt from an article that says his contract was restructured in the summer of 2006: An excerpt from a USA Today article quoting Skip on some of the clauses in Les's contract: I can't find anything definitive on whether there is or isn't a buyout clause and if there is how much.