Why not Shepard? And what has Lee done to improve?. Last I saw, Lee lost games and JJ helped win em. The loss to UF is on the LSU team, not JJ.. I think the problems on O run deeper than JJ. If any QB change is made, Lee is not the answer. SHepard is.
If you'd have told me that tiger nation was begging for Jarrett Lee at the end of last year I would have fallen out of my chair laughing. I mean the odds must have been 50 to 1 on this happening.
In relief he has a 100% passing record. Three play, three passes, three completions and one TD. Lee lost two games, the defense lost two games, and Jefferson lost one game. All three are better now and Lee deserves another shot. I cannot agree. It surely wasn't on the defense, which allowed 51 points last year and only one controversial TD this year. It wasn't on the receivers who never saw the ball or the running backs who got the option pitch late and too deep in the backfield. They do, but Jefferson is the key. Who says? LSU has three quarterbacks and must use all three if one has not separated himself. We don't have any idea if Shepard can play at this level or not. He doesn't have a single completion and he's fumbled while rushing. Shepard need to be brought along gradually. There is no need to throw him to the wolves. Jefferson is not doing too well under pressure, we don't want to put that on the freshman. Lee has brass balls, he can take the pressure.
I doubt it, as he is a true freshman. But, I think you should consider all your options if you have not found an option that will work. From the little I've seen he had great throwing mechanics. He's a big kid, probably not too mobile.