This thread reminds me of one of my favorite books from my childhood: Tiger's Revenge by Claude Bawls.
See, now there is an idea I can get with. If nothing else most of us will get drunk, at least 2 ass kickings will take place, maybe more and depending on who shows someone may get laid. Better idea than paying some Sumatran farmer to try and capture a tiger in a bamboo trap. I'm in.
And that's where the problem arises. I think LSU could make as good a case as any zoo could with the facilities and care the Tiger would receive. But you can't buy one from some shady place.
The problem is that the standard of care for exotics has changed quite a bit in the last decade or so. Sanctuaries consider themselves a last stop. They won't transfer an animal and they don't breed. The controversial shithole breeders who provided Mike have mostly been shut down. A zoo is not going to transfer an exotic to a single-animal enclosure. They want participation in continuing the breed and protecting the species. While any new Mike, like the current Mike, would have an excellent life, his purpose would be considered outside of worldwide management of exotics and endangered species. Basically, the production and management of these kinds of species has been squeezed to a narrow funnel, managed almost exclusively by the Zoological Society. If LSU can find a controversial breeder to provide a cat, it risks a hit on their reputation and I imagine that breeder will get shut down pretty quickly.
This The hit they will take in the media will be substantial, far worse than you can imagine and I'm not sure they can even find a "shady" breeder anymore. They bought out Les, I think that taps out the rah rah fund because I seriously doubt they have the money that it would take to get some of these other places to look the other way. A few candid digital pics might help but cash won't get it done this time. I vote we put taints ass in that cage until we can get our own safari lined up.