That tiger is treated better than most humans, not to mention has world class medical care right down the street. Hell if I could I would put on a tiger outfit and live like Mike. I would venture a tiger is better off at LSU than even the majority of zoos. Here we only have one animal with a whole staff dedicated to treat, at a zoo your dealing with hundreds. My father is a vet and he actually help treat one of the earlier Mike's while in vet school at LSU. That tiger is revered. I agree with the sentiment that get to be the mascot at LSU is like winning the powerball several times in a row for a tiger.
So where do zoo's get their tigers from? Just go there or wait for cubs. Not to mention there are sanctuaries. There is one in East Texas. Whoever thinks we shouldn't have another Mike, are you in favor of shutting down zoo's as well?
Agreed Rouxleaux. The reality is that there are lots of abandoned big cats from morons that tried to keep them as pets. Then, people try to start sanctuaries for them. While they know animals, they do not know how to run a non profit that needs a constant flow of cash. Then they become 'sketchy'.
BTW, I love Mike VI. He was so awesome, playful, interactive, etc. We are going to miss you dearly, buddy.
Up until the 70's or so, the Zoological Society purchased animals for US zoos. For the last 40 years or so, zoos work with each other to provide animals. There are species protection programs that focus on breeding rarer animals. Often, one zoo will send a potential mate to another zoo and they both hope to share offspring...unless it's a single animal birth species.
I was under the impression they were treated as rescues. That's like saying you shouldn't adopt a pet to take care of if it comes from a puppy mill. I think LSU rescuing the tigers from shitty places and giving one a good home is better than it just staying at a shitty place. I get your point of view, but I think saving an endangered species is better than just not.