Deepest regrets from a Tiger of a different color - Memphis Tiger Nation & Tom III send Mike VI well wishes. Stay strong!!!!
Sadly, Mike is going to be euthanized very shortly; it is as has been stated above. He is in pain/misery and it is time.
Looks like our 2 biggest symbols of the LSU program the last decade are departing together. I suppose it's only fitting we begin anew with a head coach and live bengal tiger ready to forge us a new path into the football annals ready to set new records. Two big cats exit. Two big cats replace them Sleep well, Big Mike. Your work here is done. You represented us well. I hope we were deserving of your time. See you on the other side.
I agree, and so do they. They're about to and just setting the table for us. He could probably hang on and suffer for 6 months so they're saying 2. This gives fans time to get a grip. They'll put him down within 6 weeks and say he went naturally. Just my guess.
Well, on the bright side, perhaps a tiger in not so great conditions can be "rescued" and made the King of Tigers. All the Mikes are special, both in life and in passing. Rock on, Mike!
selfishly, the best thing for us is the presidential election. remember the search for mike vi and all the wackos protesting (a tiger that lives like a king, nonetheless)? now they wont notice while we're securing mike vii.