Yeah that's the one you never see of him. Definitely one of my favorites. Sorry Stacey in advance but I figured it'd be best to admire him even as sad as it is.
It is sad but he's had a great life and was well cared for. The guy who plays with him at the glass had a real connection with him. He was very people friendly for a wild animal. Gonna miss him, thanks for the pics! One day while watching him sleep I couldn't get over the size of his paws. As stated already he is so majestic!
No reason to say sorry. It's a terrific tribute thread for a regal tiger whose time is extremely short. I hope we can find the new Tiger soon. We picked up our new puppy yesterday, and I know that she will be able to help us heal from losing our other dog. A new Mike will help heal LSU's hearts. But I can barely read anything about Mike VI without there being a few tears. A lot of the emotions come from knowing how much his caretakers are hurting right now.