Mike Leach Suspended (Now Fired) By TTU

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by Deceks7, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. pjnchamps

    pjnchamps Founding Member

    Feb 7, 2007
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    Re: Real Reasons for Adam James Actions

  2. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    i should have read the post right before i made my initial one. Texas_Tiger's article summed up the feeling i got when i heard the story.
  3. Deceks7

    Deceks7 Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2004
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    The emails kinda show that the termination of Leach was not based on this "incident".

    This straw that broke the camels back just keeps getting more tangled:

    From the head trainer:
    Texas Tech football trainer contradicts Adam James' story - ESPN

    Texas Tech head football athletic trainer Steve Pincock said Red Raiders receiver Adam James was placed in a "sports medicine garage" and media room as "big as a two-car garage" while recovering from a concussion, and was monitored by two trainers at all times.
    Pincock's account of the incident, given in a statement to representatives of former Texas Tech coach Mike Leach, contradicts James' version of events that led to Leach being fired Wednesday.
    James, who is the son of ESPN college football analyst Craig James, sustained a concussion on Dec. 16. He was examined the following day and told not to practice because of the injury and an elevated heart rate.
    Pincock's statement was obtained by ESPN.com on Thursday night from Leach's representatives. Pincock refused further comment when reached on his cell phone in San Antonio, Texas, where the Red Raiders are preparing to play Michigan State in Saturday's Alamo Bowl.
    A source told ESPN's Joe Schad that Leach called a trainer and directed him to move James "to the darkest place, to clean out the equipment and to make sure that he could not sit or lean. He was confined for three hours."
    According to the source, Leach told the trainer, two days later, to "put [James] in the darkest, tightest spot. It was in an electrical closet, again, with a guard posted outside."
    However, Pincock said James was initially placed in a "sports medicine garage, there is no lock on this building." Pincock said injured players are typically asked to perform exercises during practice, but "James could not participate in these drills, and was originally asked to walk around the field."
    "Adam showed up to practice in street clothes, no team gear, and dark sunglasses," Pincock said, according to the statement. "Adam walked about 40 to 50 yards, very slowly and with a non-caring attitude."
    Pincock said Leach then asked that James be moved to a location "where sunlight could not bother him as he was wearing sunglasses."
    "I instructed Adam to stay in the garage and out of the sun, so the light would not worsen his condition," Pincock said in the statement. "While in the garage, Adam was walking around, eating ice, sitting on the ground, and, at one point, sleeping; at no point was there any enforcement to make Adam stand up."
    Two days later, while the Red Raiders practiced at Jones AT&T Stadium, James was placed in a room that is used for postgame interviews involving opposing coaches and players. James told school officials he was placed in an electrical closet inside the room.
    "I walked Adam to the room, which was at least as big as a two-car garage," Pincock wrote. "Inside the room there is an electrical closet. I looked in the closet and stated that there was 'no way that Adam would be placed in there.' I shut the door to the electrical closet, and it was never opened again. At no time during this practice was Adam ever placed in the electrical closet."

    Then we have Adam's video from the room he was(n't) locked in. Lights on, chairs that he said wasn't there, and look closely and see the door was open, kinda hard for him to be locked in when light comes through the opening. Adjacent the room was, but it doesn't match.

    YouTube - Adam James' Cell Phone Video Released

    And finally, open up the bank for Mike:

    Jerry Turner, vice chairman of the university system's board of regents, said Wednesday that "other things" became known during an inquiry into the complaint. Turner added that Leach's failure to agree to guidelines set forth by the school's president led to his suspension, and "we are where we are" because Leach sued the university to try to coach in the Alamo Bowl.

    I need to do a bit of research, but I think this is defined as a wrongful termination in the State of Texas.
  4. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    Leach is gonna be rich bitch!

    Can't wait til this University takes it up the ass.

    The trainer has already come out in support of Coach Leach stating that the incident never occurred.

    Any respect people had for Craig James has been lost. What a jackass.
  5. Deceks7

    Deceks7 Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2004
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  6. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    pretty much sums it up for me also. Adam James has a video he took with his phone when he was locked up in the electrical shed. He clearly looks like he is in an unhealthy situation.:dis: i have never liked craig james and its even worse now. texas tech wont ever make another bowl game again.
  7. Deceks7

    Deceks7 Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2004
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    If Adam was in a dangerous situation and had a cell phone why did he use it for video instead of calling for help?

    We need Potts to talk about his treatment when he had a concussion earlier this year. What did he do to avoid being sent to the "shed"?

    A letter from another player's dad:

    The Full 36 Minute ESPN LeachInterview - Double-T Nation

    They say timing is everything, Craig James timed this perfectly to upset the apple cart, If my son was asked to go to the shed, he probably would refuse, but my son wouldn’t show up in sunglasses. If the Dr. said stay in a dark place that’s where you would find him. But then again my son isn’t a rock star, he wouldn’t play a game in tights and white shoes. I am positive that he has played and practiced dinged up, but he perceivered. When he was probable, against K-State, he practiced and was available for the game, the coaching staff decided to not let him play although he was ready to play. The coaching staff at Tech has the players best interest in mind, and the trainers ultimatley have control of who is able to play. I have seen them take a players helmet and not allow him to participate and the player was chomping at the bit to get back in there. Those guys are true gamers, I don’t think Adam is a gamer, it showed in the spring and this season. My feelings toward Coach Leach will not waiver just because a "little league dad" thinks his boy was treated unfairly. Coach Leach has his ways, some are questionable, but he produces, and at this level you better produce, or you will be looking for a new job. Craig needs to get his own team full of Adams and see how far he gets. He has scorched the earth in his wake of disgruntlement, he could have been a bigger man and handled this like a man, but then again this is the same guy that took money and gifts while at SMU knowing full well of the legalities and the DEATH PENALTY handed down to SMU while he skated away scott free. Chickens#@#, that’s my take, just like the SMU days. This all could have waited til after the season, but he chose to crap all over my son’s final game At Texas Tech, I feel for you and your son Craig but don’t expect an apology from me either, and if I see you I will tell you so. That’s the way my DAD raised me and he never once talked to any of my coaches about how I was treated. He told me to fade my own heat and you’ll be a better man. Mike Leach is a good man, it shows in the graduation rate and in his coaching record, and when I talk to Coach Leach he talks to me like a man because he is a man. When he makes a mistake he will hone up to it, not go off whimpering to the media, NCAA, or the Adninistration. He isn’t perfect, but he can Coach my son anytime, anywhere. Sometimes you need to turn the other cheek, it says so in the greatest book ever written.
    Duane Howard
  8. Krypto

    Krypto Huh?

    Dec 1, 2006
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    Texas Tech trainer didn't agree with Adam James' treatment - NCAA Football - SI.com

  9. Krypto

    Krypto Huh?

    Dec 1, 2006
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    This whole situation stinks. All sides look like idiots. You have an over-privileged egotistical player, an interfering dad, a University trying to cover its ass plus save money, and a coach making a stupid decision out of spite.

    That being said, the person that should have been in complete control and failed miserably is the coach. Why are you taking your anger out on a kid with a concussion? If the kid was a distraction to the team, kick him off. If the parent interfered too much, nip it or boot the kid. The coach is the responsible adult in this situation, he should have used better judgment.
  10. Deceks7

    Deceks7 Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2004
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    Take out the curse words and Leach told the trainer to take James somewhere dark.

    Adam was trying to show up Leach, and I don't know too may coaches that would put up with that. He sent him somewhere to deal with that that in no way jeopardized James. It wasn't about standards of medical care, it was a punishment for being a jerk that did not impact his health. It was a punishment that took his condition into consideration more than James wanted it to.

    James shoots a video in a room he isn't suppose to be in to make it look worse than it is. We can see the disingenuous mindset behind the whole affair from that act alone.

    The doc still hasn't said this put James in jeopardy If standing would put him in harms way he should have given him bed rest.

    More Leach abuse, just shocking I say. Coaches don't act like this:


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