Orgeron given a failing grade...
if by bucket of chicken shit, you mean a roster that is at absolute worst top 10-15. then you’re right. and if by making chicken salad you actually mean the rotting carcass of an AIDs infested llama, you’re right again. LSU has more talent than any team they have faced so far this season (including Florida). Any attempt to spin that any other way is simply not being truthful. and with that superior talent, we got absolutely skull fucked by State, list to Troy, barely hung on against Cuse, and needed a reliable kicker to shank a PAT against Florida. Ed Orgeron is not a good head coach. He has never been a good head coach. It’s a safe bet he never will be a good head coach. Joe Alleva did what he always does. Acts like he’s the smartest guy in the room, then does the dumbest thing anyone could possibly imagine. And because of it, we have a proven failure who (according to multiple sources) not even his assistants have any faith or respect in.
If Landry podcast is even ‘in the ball park accurate’ this is disconcerting on many fronts : A O was made a gelding in front of coordinators. B This news has reached players causing a mixture of relief, confusion but ultimately less respect for O C Even if Arranda and Canada are the best things since the hand job, what happens when ( not if) they leave? D Nothing, repeat , nothing,not even in the social media age gets leaked by accident. Somebody in the weeds on South Stadium drive wanted specifics of the meeting made public. E Perhaps most disconcerting of all, if this is how meeting went down, is our head coach nothing more than Brady Bunch episode of ‘Johnny Bravo’? He got the gig only cuz he fit the suit??
Talk about firing a coach when he hasn't even had half a season or his own recruits is retarded. Go spew that shit on the Turdlaya forum