Follow the other SEC team that has won 80% of its games since 2005. When you find it, I'll even pay for your new "Nonexistent University" t-shirt, plus shipping. This one's on the house, too. The word is spelled "pitiful."
I have a better idea, pick up a dictionary, take I-35 north until you get to OKC, give me a call and you can give me a fucking spelling lesson. I can't promise you will enjoy the method of payment.
For the last time, I'm not meeting you in a rest stop bathroom and looking for the guy who's tapping his foot. Former US Senator Larry Craig is your guy.
Exaggeration for effect. And it worked, now you state that only 4 or 5 SEC championships in the last ten years is acceptable to you. So . . . how many other teams have done that and who were they? I await your list. It shouldn't take you long.
So because not many teams have done it we shouldn't try? If only the United States of America had that model.
Please pay attention. I'm not talking about Rah-Rah stuff here. I don't care if it is Bama or USC or Oklahoma or whoever is the "most successful recent program". I disagree with the notion that "we belong" at the top of the pyramid just because we have done it a couple of times. It just doesn't work that way. Nobody gets there and owns it. It's a rotation and LSU in most definitely in the rotation. In the last ten years LSU has been to two national championship games. That is more than USC, Oregon, Oklahoma, and Texas. Just as many as Florida and Auburn. It trails only the Gumpsters, who don't get in every year either.
We try every year, just like everyone else. NO ONE IS SAYING THAT! I'm saying that we win more than most teams, we are contenders regularly, have had success, will have more and we are not as bad as you make out.
We certainly don't try and fix our QB model. Same type of QBs other than Mett. It's like Les is trying to find his 1 Ina million.
If I'm not mistaken, only four teams in the SEC have had four, or more, in a decade: Bama, Ole Miss, Tennessee, and Florida. (And that's going back to 1933.) If we make it over 11 years, LSU is in as is Georgia Tech and Auburn. Again, if I'm not mistaken here as well, over the last five decades 24 teams have won the NC. It's an elite group no matter how it's decided to be sliced.