Get it right toolshed. They haven't had a "great qb" they have had somewhat serviceable ones and if you have a kick ass defense you can win. See Trent Dilfer. Dude has a SB ring and a spot on the world wide leader and he was freaking awful as a QB. So yes, talent HAS been there. NFL full of LSU players that is the song you guys love to sing.
True. LSU is just lucky to be able to bask in the radiance of Bama's aura once a year (sometimes twice). Les is something else to win 80 cents with the scrubs that are left over once Bama's had their fill.
You truly are a fucking idiot. I mean really, were you born this stupid or did you get hit in the head or dropped as a child.
Well, let's see. When those other 5 sans one have less than we do it doesn't make them so scary. It may be different if moo u or the rebs or ark were taking their turn in the title game but, uh , no. He should have more than 2. Not 10, but more than 2 in 10 years. At least we know where that other 20% went.