Sadly, and I've become a Miles fan, I think he is working this for a pay raise. If he stays we will go through this dance the next time the Michigan job becomes available. I don't think he deserves a raise. He's already top 10. That's where he belongs but it's about supply and demand....not what's right or wrong.
I saw a Gil Brandt tweet last night that says Cut has turned down the offer. As rough of a time as Michigan is having I don't think that's a statement on whether or not Duke is a better job than Michigan, but it's a better situation for Cut (responsibilities, his health, etc.)
I like Cutcliffe. I don't care how anyone tries to sugar coat this one, when the football coach at Duke turns down Michigan, things ARE as bad as they appear. Miles should be paying attention.
Has Michigan made an offer? Any idea what the numbers are? I heard on ESPN last week that Michigan planned on making Miles an offer he can't refuse.....