Watch out for shane. Dude's changed since you been around. mf'ers nuts. tirk keeps a thumb on him, sorta. Bengal's senile now, too.
Thank God we have a few 'normal' people around here to balance it out - -like Tiga. Hey , is this a good time to bring up your Hillary "Very Personal Body Sounds" CD?
Shiiiiit.......if it wasn't for tigerchick, y'all would be sitting in a the dark....begging for a thumb to suck.....cause yours is all used up.
Hey, nobody asked about me, lol! I've been MIA since last football season, but back once again! Geaux Tigers!
You need to make yourself more memorable. Start a fight with somebody. Say some crazy shit. If you need a role model ask @lsutiga to be your life coach