That could definitely be on her radar. Even closer is Oklahoma City University that has a top ten theater tech program.
I don't know where you became a football expert but to say Miami is horrible is a misstatement. Miami will win at least 9 games and our defense had their qb on the run most of the game. Maybe not number 8 but maybe we wernt 25 either . It was the first game and even all the rocket scientist at ESPN got it wrong. You criticize and that's fine. But if your going to criticize then also post the things you saw that worked This was a big win for the tigers and for our Coach. Yes their are things we need to get better at just like every year after the first game. I wonder if you think Richt is a buffoon like Coach O because from where im sitting Miami has a lot more things to improve on than we do. And as a coach in the first half I take timeouts when I need them. In the second half you make damn sure that timeout is spent wisely and sometimes taking five yards is better than burning it. It was the first game and lets keep getting better and get our recievers some experience and we may not win the National Championship but I was damn happy with what I saw because we looked like a team for the first time in awhile. I liked the heart and I liked the spirit. Geayx Tigers