Yep. Or at the very least, worked in for meaningful snaps during JJ's absence. There is simply no way that he would not have performed better than JJ, and he may very well have outshined Lee. With all the negativity that's been engulfing the team lately, leadership is badly needed. Sounds to me that Mett is eager to take on that role.
JL had a great season, or at least the part he was allowed to play. But, there is no question in my mind, that had Mett been given some meaningful snaps in the first 4 games, JJ and JL would have been holding the clipboard the rest of the year. Mett can make the throws, stands tall in the pocket and certainly would have mastered our very basic Offense this year. Secretely, I was hoping JL would tweak an ankle about game #2, so Mett could get some PT. Bottom line is that IF you were to line up all 11 of our starters and rank them from 1-11, from best to worst, both JJ and JL would be #11. Miles asked our WORST Offensive player to be the difference maker in the NCG. Jefferson was responsible for 31 of 44 Offensive plays. Saban could not have drawn up a better losng game plan than that.
I just have to disagree. Mett most certainly would have been great, but Lee is a lot better than clm allowed him to be. Jj .... not so much.
Humorous. I posted a thread on the abandonment of the option a while back. The abolishment of the option would be ever so welcomed.
My feelings about the arrival of Mett was that if this guy was beating out Aaron Murray at Georgia, who many consider the best QB in a QB-challenged league, how in the heck can he not beat these two bums we had? But all things not being equal...JJ/JL had been "in the offense" for years, whereas Mett is brand new. No way Miles just turns to Mett regardless of what we were shown in the Spring. We all knew that would be the case. It worked for 13 games, and we'll never know if a better game plan would've proven that it worked for the 14th. Sure, JJ sucked, but running about 5 or 6 telegraphable plays over and over sucks too. Noone can predict what a better gameplan would've produced, just like noone can predict what a QB change would've produced. It just would've been nice to have known we went down trying. But alas, we didn't...
Those plays certainly were offensive So glad ZM seems to already be 'taking charge'. Let us hope come August/September we won't have another 'quarterback controversy'.... but knowing fans for what they are/how they seem to think.... we will.
I agree. Mett never had a chance this season. I don't buy into the garbage Miles spits out about the JJ/JL knowing the system better. Hell, our system was not that complicated. I am sure Mett picked it up in about 30 minutes. Miles is stubborn with playing JJ, no two ways around it. No telling if Mett would have had a better season than JJ/JL, but I could tell from the first pass he threw in the Spring Game last year he was better than JJ/JL. When Krags was announced as OC, in his press conference someone asked him, "what he felt about Seniority", he said, "if you want seniority, go join the military. we are going to play the best players." I should have known at that moment, it would exclude the QB's.
I agree that when allowed to play and throw Lee did fairly well. He did a solid job at winning games for LSU. Its difficult to guage Mett since he didnt get any real PT. But what I saw from him in that time and the Spring Game I think I can confidently say he seems to be the real deal. Even at his best Lee still missed some easy passes(which all QBs will do from time to time), but still. Lee missed a lot of passes because he throws off his back foot more times that not. JJ lacks any confidence in his read. With Mett I saw a kid who knew where he wanted to go with the ball. When he made the read he stepped into the throw with authority. Id bet that Mett would have started or eventually worked his way into becoming a starter at most other schools.
omg.... woke up in a cold sweat this morning.... had a dream that ZM quit football and school.........