TF is a low-censorship zone. You can say what you want, but if you are persistently inflammatory, people are also free to get right in your face about it. It works both ways.
Red, anyone can consider anything inflammatory correct? You have to be able to be civil and self controlled dont you?
Yes, we all do. But if you stand on a soapbox to repeatedly criticize LSU or Les on a LSU forum, you can't be too sensitive about blowback. You are not trying to make friends, after all.
Well, I'm a Miles fan....and if we had a seasoned Metteberger who could have made Bama's defense honest and not be able to Tee off on the LSU quarterback, that national championship would have been a lot more competitive. My personal opinion about putting Lee in there? Lee would have gotten killed worse than Jefferson, and Bama would have probably had a few more interceptions. Man, we just got our butts beat...plain and simple; and it was a game that snowballed out of control. And I bet, deep down inside, the Bama coaching staff really wouldn't have wanted to give us a month off and play 'em again like we had to do.
But you can't go around and say, this is big boy football and not even make it pass the 50 yard line. We always say on this forum the def of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results. Someone was insane in the BCS game.
Right and well said. No matter who the QB was our OL was dominated that night. Bamas D won that game and while you can credit Bama's OC for a nice wrinkle, it really got them little in the end. I will say that Bama coming off of a close loss to us in Nov had MUCH more incentive and more fire in the BCSNC. That was the real difference they wanted it more than we did. ***t happened that night.
Nah, I am not buying that. We had every incentive to win that game. We would have gone down as the best football team ever played.
To me it comes down to being so repetitive and harping on the same thing with pretty much every post. It so reminds me of all the threads for months about Miles first lost at LSU vs UT after Katrina. The Miles haters kept harping on that for at least a year, some even bringing it up after we won the national championship months and months after the fact. When a team falters and doesn't meet reasonable expectations I can understand people getting pissed off and even calling for a coaches head; I understood fans consternation when we had 2 back to back mediocre seasons. Hopefully when next season gets underway the Tigers will battle for another western division and SEC title and people will change their focus. However I know some will be pointing out the failures no matter how successful we are. Many a great coach has been fired or moved on due to the vocal minority feels it is their birth right to win a national championship every other year however I don't think that will happen with this coach and AD. I believe in Miles and the way he runs the program and recruits.
The way you say "Not trying to make friends, after all" seems like you are insinuating that I'm here to stir people up. That's not the case either. I am not trying to be the instigator or voice my displeasure about Les to rile people up. Its to present an opinion, or idea(s). Its to voice a concern, about a program that I support. I am passionate about college football, about LSU football. I am not passionate about making other people angry. I dont have a want to make enemies or be cruel to people on the forum. Just want to discuss and share. And that takes two sides.
People are getting blowback because everything there is to be said about 1/9, Les, and JJ/JL has been said, repeated, and driven into the ground over the last 5 months. There is literally nothing new to add to that conversation. The people who think Les was a stubborn fool have reiterated that countless times since the NCG, and we are very aware of where they stand. The dead horse doesn't need to be dug up and beat up again on every thread. The real problem is they can't accept that we will never get a real explanation for that game, for why we worked with half a game plan according to the players, why we were completely overpowered at the LOS, why Jefferson was never pulled after it became obvious to everyone with a pulse that he wasn't going to get the job done, and why Les sat two viable QB options on the sideline. We will never have that closure, and even if Les told all today and lay everything on the table, I can guarantee that no explanation would be good enough for most people. All I can say is we better get used to it, because Les isn't going anywhere.