Amazing. This team is gellin'. Wow. Wish I could've been there. Awesome win, and just domination. :geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige
Great game by the Tigers! Way to answer MSU's run at the end of the 1st half by blowing away the Bulldogs in the 2nd half.
Nah, just USC, UF, & Vandy for the mid-week games this year. Sounds like the crowd was great. They always exaggerate the actual attendance on the radio broadcast. Hopefully someone who went can give us their assessment. Radio said 11k+ actual.
i was hoping that i could go to a game while in town for the bash, but they wont be playing at home the dates ill be in.
Check my sig...I post up when I can't make the game. Usually a weekday though. Like tonight, my wife is in MS with her mom in the hospital and I have some kind of creeping crud. If she'd been home though I'd been there infecting everyone.:wave: