Meet the Obama voter. You couldn't come up with a better example of what the United States has devolved into. This woman is the culmination of years and years of white guilt, pandering and government funded social programs. [media][/media] Save America for now. Vote McCain.
Thats pretty funny but Howard Sterns was good too when he sent some people into Harlem asking about Obama.
To even use this poor woman as an example of someone that won't pay their mortgage or pay for fuel is just upsurd. I think I can now call the OP and complete idiot. haha
Upsurd???? lol She said "I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage. If I help him, he's gonna help me." After butchering the English language the way you just did, I'd refrain from calling anyone anything.
Totally absurd excuse me... Didn't realize this was grammar school.. And yes you are taking her words and meaning waaaay out of context. I don't think anybody actually thinks they are getting their home and gas for free. And that is total spin.
What will cause her to not have to 'worry' about it if Obama gets elected? Is there magic pixie dust somewhere that removes the worry over debt?
I think she is saying that the Obama rally is an escape. I know when I am at a Tigers or Saints game I don't worry about buying gas or paying the mortgage. I enjoy myself.