We won't get fooled again! Except fot the sheeple who are too stupid to see Broomhildabitch for the compulsive lying cunt she is. Interesting point in the article, if the stupid slut loses her security clearance would she be allowed to be president. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/now-know-hillary-lied-multiple-101500675.html
Nothing but a hand slap coming, she won't lose security clearance. Liberals could care less, all they are interested in is getting free shit. Honesty, integrity, competence, all that means absolutely nothing to liberals.
Didn't learn anything about Clinton that hasn't been known for decades. I think Obama might be pissed that it happened on his watch, but he'll do what he can to squash it. Her supporters only believe what she tells them to believe. This will only matter if the FBI fulfills their role. I'm hopeful but not optimistic.
Hilldacunt doing more than Trump to unite the GOP. https://www.yahoo.com/news/never-hillary-unites-republicans-squeamish-trump-173740202--election.html
but wait, Tiger in NC says.......blah blah blah blah dee fucking blah Hillary will go down as the worst campaigner for president ever after this election.