why do we have jai eugene kicking field goals??? :hihi: edit: i just realized eugene was in the picture with him.
This irks me somewhat, I knew about it when the season started. Nothing against this kid personally, just makes me wonder. My son is a kicker, 6'3" 160lbs (skinny but growing). He worked out all spring, listed on the roster, kicked in the spring game, worked out all summer, and was cut because "we have enough kickers". No sour grapes intended, just makes me wonder.
well we really do have enough kickers. we have three scholarship kickers and at least one walk on with this kid. plus we're taking another walk-on this year. sorry about your son, but 4 kickers this year is plenty. maybe miles just felt bad about this skinny guy and let him stay on the team?
Of course I could make it bigger, but I don't want Crip and tirk to get a complex. They're already fragile as it is. :hihi:
lsusports.net says absolutely nothing about him. yahoo sports says almost as much. maxpreps says nothing about his high school career. amusing thread about him at onlinedynasty.com. from other LSU fan forums, i have stolen the following: he may have a fake leg (but maybe not). he may be able to "flat out boot the ball" (but no one really knows) he may be the son of the guy who owns Iberville Motors (who advertises during the games on 98.1) somebody thinks he's a "STUD!!!" (sick bastard) he is a walk-on (we already guessed that) many people thought he was one of the following when they saw him at a game: some player's or former player's little brother a make a wish foundation recipient some contest winner some staff member's son/nephew/grandson/cousin/etc. nobody seems to really know anything about him so there you go. a local walk-on that no one seems to know anything about. guess we'll find out next year?
Well, he majors in Business Management, his middle name is Holt, and his phone number and email are available on the LSU directory. Other than that, who knows...