"BS!" The insurance companies cancelled policies that did not meet the minimum standards that were set forth in the Affordable Health Care Act. When all those insureds started raising hell because they had lost their coverage Obama tried to coerce the insurance companies to keep the policies in affect, which they refused to do,because if they did they would be breaking the law that Obama and the democrats (read liberals) shoved up our asses because they didn't bother to read it before they passed it!
No what he said numerous times without deviation was thathe if you like your plan you can keep your plan. At no tol No, they canceled the insurance plans that didn't provide birth control to 90 year old women and eye glasses for blind people as required by Obamacare.
I said that board wasn't a pimple on tidefans a$$ not the other way around. Tidefans is a legitimate board comparatively speaking.
Not sure what you mean by semantics. If the insurance companies had not cancelled the plans, everybody could have.
WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! Grandfathering was always in the bill. From the time the bill passed to the time it went into effect, the insurance agent that handles insurance for my employees told me that we were grandfathered in. It's just that simple. You can deny it, but it doesn't make it so. The insurance companies, for their own reasons, cancelled these plans, even the ones that were grandfathered in. This is from that bastion of Obama cheering, The Wall Street Journal; " The law grants an exception for grandfathered health plans, those that existed on March 23, 2010, when the law was enacted and that have made only modest changes to benefits and cost-sharing. Those plans don't have to comply with certain essential-benefit rules until they lose their grandfathered status. Unlike new health plans, grandfathered plans may charge enrollees for immunizations and other preventive care." http://online.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303947904579336661759734986