If you are making $10, then your wages would almost certainly go up. If you are making $40, probably not. You've been getting raises.
I can't remember where I saw it, if I could i'd post the link here, but the 10 poorest cities in the country are liberal controlled. And for failed liberal policies all you have to do is look at Chicago and Detroit.
Of course we hate poor people, we don't like anyone to be poor. That's why under capitalism if you're willing to work hard, you can raise yourself up out of poverty, IF you want it and IF you're willing to work for it. Liberal policies keep people poor, and keep them relying on the Gov't tit.
A classic logical fallacy, cum hoc ergo propter hoc (correlation does not imply causation). 9 of the 10 richest cities in America are also democratic controlled! Anchorage, Alaska has a republican in charge, but it is not a very big city. The vast majority of American mayors are Democratic, just as the majority of state governors are republicans. It is dangerous to try to draw specify conclusions from this without specific evidence. Chicago and Detroit's problems come from being in the rust belt. Which "liberal policies" do you offer as evidence?
Entire cities as Gun Free Zones, robbing peter to pay paul (robbing certain koffers to pay for bad pension plans), unions, affirmative action (which ended up doing the opposite of what it was originally intended), core school policies, etc, etc.
Wait a minute, I thought that conservatives were all about local governments being able to make their own choices. Meadville, Mississippi is never going to outlaw guns because they have no gun problems. So cities with huge gun-crime problems that wish to experiment with gun laws to combat it should be able to do so. It's their city, their voters, their elected officials, and their problem. Right? Not exclusive to liberals by far. You only have to look at any Bobby Jindal budget. Pick one. You've never seen such fiscal skullduggery since Huey Long. In fact Republicans all over the country are making jokes of proper budget management in their zealous and absurd attempts to never raises taxes again for any reason. Republicans were around when unions and affirmative action were implemented and Republicans have been in charge many times without trying to eliminating them. Lots of loud talk about liberals but little action in doing anything about them themselves. But I agree, both AA and unions have served good purposes and also been badly abused and certainly need modernization for the 21st century. Not one damn thing wrong with core school standards. Substandard educational states like Louisiana have the most to gain from raising standards. Even the Republicans supported this until Obama threw in his support, then of course they had to oppose it because they have no plans of their own, they just say NO to anything that Obama supports.
I'm actually not for raising the minimum wage. I make more, I'm for strengthening the middle class. The poor and the rich are both subsidized on the backs of the middle class. Enough.