This is when the TDS doesn't allow you to see reality. You do realize they dont even read the bills before passed right? There might be like a total of 6 congress people that try to read it. You think Bill, Obama, Trump, or Joe read the entire bill before they sing it? Try and be objective dog. In anycase, this highlights you dont really care about this loophole. He didnt create it. He said he would remove it, but didn't (or couldnt, or didnt even know) and now you have this "got ya" moment. Just be honest about it and we can ignore it as a TDS discussion instead of policy. It is clear you dont really care about the policy.
Actually I’ll give him credit or at least won’t condemn him for it. He was being consistent. Biden and the democrats on the other hand are showing their hypocrisy by talking about taxing the rich while leaving the SALT deductions in their bill.
trump spoke about eliminating that loophole over and over during his campaign speeches when the time came to make good on his promise,.. instead of saying to the American people,.. "look what they're trying to pull"... which I would have very much respected,.. but instead he didn't say a fucking word, he and his cohorts snuck it through without discussion.. he put the check in his pocket and jumped into the swamp with both feet you're so in love, you make up excuses for trump, you turn a blind eye to his lies,.. Try and be objective turkey frog
Again, you are phrasing this as there was a bill he had to read. You know 100% that is not how this shit works. They do not give the president a 3,000 page bill to read before he signs it. I am just trying to have you look at this from a non TDS perspective, but you can't. Your expectations are not reality and that is what I am saying. Parse it how you want.
You bring up an important point that really has little or nothing to do with Trump. In Congress today bills aren’t crafted by committees or debated or allowed amendments before being voted on. They are generated by a few then rammed through each house without any questions or attempt at bringing it before the people. If 6 people read it fully I’d be surprised. This is the feature of both parties and in both houses. We no longer have a functioning republic but more of a Soviet style oligarchy. I don’t have a clue on how to make changes but I’m not optimistic about the future.
so you're pretending Trump didn't know the tax loophole he campaigned against was in his tax plan,.. that's your argument?.. he told you this? lol, you're looking at this through cloudy orange goggles,.. you're the one with Trump Derangement Syndrome
I dont know that anymore than you know he overtly lied and "put a check in his pocket".... Take a step back and understand what I am saying and "not" saying.
well, quit making shit up trying to defend him "put a check in his pocket",.. just a figure of speech,.. i'm saying he accepted the tax loophole being in "the Trump tax plan" and personally profited from it
The point I am making is that with Trump, its always a jump to predetermined X conclusion. racist liar cheat Nothing else could possibly be a reality with you...