I know the kind of guys that were messin with you Shane. Most of the time they just want to test you and won't go much past that. Most of them would give you the shirt off their backs and invite you over for a bowl of gumbo. Now days that happens very little. However if you go into Reds or a place Ray Boys or anywhere in the heart of Cajun country with attitude or especially start insulting Cajun culture as a few here do from time to time things will go south in the blink of an eye. The Cajun culture is not better than other cultures (with exception of most Muslim cultures) but rather unique and different. We are a bit crude at times but proud and happy about who we are and where we live. We are proud of the unique way we talk, of our unique food, of our unique music and art and of our unique heritage. Most of us believe in God, love our country, would not kill a child in the womb, have big families, have good hearts, a strong spirit and a love of life. Again we are not better just unique and different. Some here need to mind their manners.
Happy to have someone here that hasn't already written off the coaches and season before one snap of the football. These coaches and players deserve our support now and for the next 2 to 3 years as they build the team. Judging our coaches after only one interim year and one full year is simply wrong.
I donated for jimbo but I included no letter of my allegiance. The only person responsible for Les being fired is Les. And you for continually reinforcing the prevent offense was working. That dumb bastard was halfway fired a few games before and still wouldn't change. His ego blinded him something else you two share. It's time to move on for the love of God. Let this be your final acceptance it's over. Onward and upward. Get em yawyaw.
You’re wasting your time. I’m assuming you’re responding to Taint. He’s the only person I have on ignore and I did that over a year ago. 1 year!... and it sounds like he’s still blabbing about the same old crap. Occasionally, makes some good points, but the rest is frustrating minutia. Best thing I’ve done on here. He is literally a waste of time and energy.
I have a ton of hope, sometimes people realize they are in over their head and let the people around them make the calls. The only problem with that is the Offensive Coordinator, another unproven. The rest of the coaches are solid as can be.
Lowell Narcissse announced that he will be transferring to Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College this fall.
I can understand why Narcisse waited to see how things shook out in fall camp before making his decision. He problem believed he had a real shot at beating out the competition. Can't blame him for having that amount of confidence in himself. McMillan, on the other hand should have announced his transfer befor fall camp so that he could compete for the job at whatever school he chose. I heard a rumor yesterday that he might go to UTSA. Probably a good fit with Frank Wilson as the coach.