Massachusetts to Obama:

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by SabanFan, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    You can go to politco if you want and find it.
    Obama has said he is for a single payer system.
    It is no secret that everyone knew this health care bill was the first step in that direction.
    There is no way you can convince anyone here that Obama isn't for the socialization of America, he has already done that through GM and other companies, that is what the healthcare debate was partly about.
    Then you have the fact that the government would make you buy insurance or go to jail.

    What this president and Congress tried to do is totally Un-American.
    What would you call it?
    I could have used a lot worse terms.
    They go into seclusion to put a bill together and totally leave out the minority party from having any input or voting on the bill?
    Whatever happened to minority rights when the Dems were the minority party?
    Whatever happen to the most ethical, transparent president and Congress, healthcare debate on CSpan?
    The problem is the Dems make their own rules and change them as they go.
    Then you have the Arrogance of trying to pass this bill no matter what, passing a bill
    for the sake of saying you passed a bill.

    You don't agree with me, that's ok, no 2 Americans agree on the same thing.
    What I call socialism some might call Euro-Socialism.
    It is still a form of socialism.
  2. alfredeneuman

    alfredeneuman Founding Member

    Nov 12, 2008
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    What tipped the scale for Brown, I think, besides the healthcare stuff, was his response during the debate when the moderator asked him about Ted Kennedy's seat. Brown quickly interrupted him and responded it's not Ted Kennedy's seat, it's the people's seat.

    I don't necessarily defend repubs on an individual basis, but more of what some (and I do mean some) stand for. If it matches what I stand for, then I'll defend it. But, let's face it, they are all politicians who are not what can be more commonly considered as an honorable profession. Somewhere along the line "celebrity" became synonymous with "politician"; therein lies the problem.

    I got what you're saying, though.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    Hey at least we agree on some things.
  4. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    The lesson to be learned here is not about democrats or republicans. It is about the electorate. If a state that has been controlled by an uber liberal like kennedy since before electricity, and accepted his political viewpoint, can swing so violently in the opposite means the direction is being soundly rejected. Republicans are just as capable of fleecing the American people. Not a lot of nobility on that side either.

    But perhaps the American people were quick to realize how dangerous it is to NOT have an opposition party. I would rather congress be stuck in gridlock, than continue to make my life worse.

    Since the democrats and Obama are in power at the moment, they might want to take note. Clinton was smart enough to save his own ass by moving to the middle, but he had a background of dealing with moderates in Ark. Obama does not. It will be interesting to watch him over the next year. He will change his ways, congress as well, or he won't have another term.
  5. Krypto

    Krypto Huh?

    Dec 1, 2006
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    Obama on the Brown election.
    President Obama on Scott Brown Massachusetts Victory - ABC News

    He just doesn't F'ing get it. I thought he was smarter than that.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    There was bound to be a shift to the right after decades of far-left Teddy Kennedy politics. The democrats failed to recognize this and run a sufficiently moderate democrat. Seems more like Massachusetts declaring that they aren't owned by the Kennedy machine than some kind of referendum on Obama.
  7. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    I think this is a huge message to the democratic party when a seat held by a democrat (albeit the SAME democrat from a family Americans deem as royalty) for half a century goes to a republican in a special election.

    And I think it has a lot to do with dissatisfaction over health care and the pompous attitude of the democratic leadership. The republicans made the same mistake in the mid-90's.

    In short, the parties are both a joke. We'd be better off starting from scratch.
    4 people like this.
  8. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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  9. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Evidently not at all. Brown's campaign focused on defeating the current health care bill and rejecting the notion of bringing terrorists to US soil for trial. The health care bill was his biggest campaign agenda. If Obama thinks the reasons he beat McCain are the same reasons Brown won he needs to pull his head out of his azz.

    Browns win is a complete and total repudiation of the current policies in Washington. Its simple as that.
  10. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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